Revive and Rejuvenate with ‘Vedic Mother’s’ Ayurvedic Goodness
Food Health Startups

Revive and Rejuvenate with ‘Vedic Mother’s’ Ayurvedic Goodness

Vedic Mother is a company passionate about promoting health and wellness for everyone. They were inspired by Ayurveda, a traditional system of medicine that originated in India thousands of years ago. Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balance between the mind, body, and spirit to achieve optimal health.

By incorporating Ayurvedic practices into modern-day lifestyles, individuals can build more robust immune systems, enhance their physical and mental health, and achieve healthier lifestyles. Vedic Mother is dedicated to creating products crafted and developed using 100% natural ingredients, ensuring that customers can enjoy the benefits of Ayurveda without any harmful chemicals or synthetic additives. 

Their raw materials are locally sourced and hand-pounded to ensure top quality. The result is a refined, natural and authentic product that is sure to be enjoyed by you and your family. The company also promotes eco-friendly and sustainable practices that benefit the environment. 

Their mission to promote Ayurvedic living is not limited to their products alone. The company aims to promote Ayurvedic living as a lifestyle. Understanding and implementing Ayurvedic rituals in your daily life can be fruitful in the long run. Their social media channel is full of essential knowledge about Ayurvedic living. 

Bimla Devi Saboo founded the company at 72 to contribute to society. She wanted to pass down the benefits of Ayurvedic living to future generations. She has been researching and developing mixtures for decades to add nutritional value to her family’s diets. She was amazed by superfoods’ positive impact on their immunity and overall well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, Vedic Mother was born.

Inspired by her grandmother’s enthusiasm, Sakshi Saboo, her granddaughter, decided to continue this legacy by aiding the company’s scalability and growth. She did that by designing a website and a logo for the brand and giving it a social media presence to carve a niche for itself in the modern world while keeping its ancient roots.


Bimla Devi Saboo 

Founder of Vedic Mother 







Sakshi Saboo 

Co-Founder of Vedic Mother 


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