Find your WHY
Education Mindfulness

Find your WHY

How to Find Your Why–Your Ultimate Source Of Motivation

When building a home – based business, to know your WHY is one of the most important things you can do to be successful. It’s pretty simple really knowing your Why is a way of finding your purpose for pursuing your goals. The bigger your goal – the deeper your reason needs to be for what you are wanting to accomplish. In order to build a successful Internet – based busi ness , or do anything else for that matter, you must identify your motivations – YOU MUST’ Find Your Why You must have a strong reason “WHY” (you are doing it), you must have an unstoppable dream! Knowing your “Why ‘ is a way of showing the reason that you are doing what you’re doing.

Reasons to Find Your Why

If you have you ever been a part of a network marketing business, you will noticed that, after enrolling with them. they will ask you to list everybody you know, and to also write down your “WHY” Because, finding your pur pose will be your ultimate source of motivation… it will be your reason to keep moving forward even when busi ness is looking bleak or you’ve hit a wall. The motivation will come from knowing “WHY” you are doing what you are doing Finding Your Purpose (WHY) A Strong Benefit for Your Business. Establishing your WHY will give you reasons to continue on, even when you are struggling. Your Why will help you on those days when you don’t feel like getting out of bed. Having your Why be STRONG as OAK, will give you an unlimited amount of motivation getting things accomplished. Finding Your Why Can Be Your Dream – It Can Be Your Ambition to Strive for Excellence.

to provide the ‘ HOW ‘ to move out of your comfort zone and take massive action … it’s what will drive you to suc cess . Your Why will make you get up early in the morning , stay longer at the office , make one more phone call to a potential prospect , etc. It is a strong mo- tivator for stopping the wheel spin and

When you have a dream and have your “WHY” written down. plus have an estab plus have an estab lished, strong mental image in your mind to “Why You are doing This,”

it will create a burning desire to achieve great ness, produce some thing better for your future.

Some people will allow their dreams to fade away to nothing, but those people who really succeed in business, and in life, are those that have established an unbreakablebond with their WHY until their dream becomes reality. Your dream doesn’t have to be something that is overwhelming or massive. It doesn’t have to be something that will change the lives of millions ofpeople or leave a dent in history. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good thing to think big, but make sure your dream gives you the burning desire to inspire you take action. Your dream will be the greatest force in life it will provide more leverage for taking action than anything else a person can fathom.

A Short Exercise to Discover Your WHY

Below you will find a short exercise to discover your burning desire, what you really want… your WHY! This exercise will help you discover what it is you geally drant out of life, why you are here and your real source of motivation to

Write Down the Following Questions then Ask Yourself WHY;

Question #1 What do you want? Why do you want it? This can be that new sports car that passed you on the highway, it can be the desire to move into an nicer house, quit your job… anything you envision on the surface level.

Question # 2

What will this GIVE YOU that you don’t currently have now ? Write down the first thing that comes to mind … the thrill and feel of a fast car , more time with your family, financial freedom, etc. Ask again except this time ask the same question while you sit in silence. in deep thought meditation What will this GIVE ME that I don’t currently have now? Ask again….

What will this GIVE ME that I don’t currently have now ?… Keep asking the same question until you go deep down. into your subconscious mind. Embrace the silence, then ask yourself again and the answers will eventually appear from your subconscious mind. When you reach this point, you will know the This is the POWER of the REAL WHY!


Your Dreams – Your WHY When you do this exercise, you will come up with your ULTIMATE WHY. This WHY will be used to fuel your passion, your ambi on your motivation to take massive action with whatever you are attempting to accomplish

Make sure to review your list of motivations each and every time fear or doubt threaten to slow your progress.

Doing this will help you create amazing results and the life you want and deserve.

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