Why choose KANGEN?
Have you been searching for answers to all of your Kangen water questions? Let us dive right into the information provided by Kangen water experts to resolve all your queries.
Kangen water is derived from a specific line of water-ionizing machines that filter your tap to one of the five different pH ranges. The pH scale has a range of 0 to 14. Pure water has a pH of 7. Kangen water machine offers 5 distinct pH options:
Strong Kangen water: It has a pH of 11 (extremely alkaline) but is not suitable for drinking. It works best for cleaning.
Kangen water: It has a pH of 8.5-9.5. Kangen claims that this hydrogen-rich water type is optimal for good health.
Clean water: It has a pH of 7 which allows it to be easily absorbed by the body. It is ideal for preparing baby food.
Beauty water: It has a pH of 4-6. It is slightly acidic and is best used for gentle cleaning and beauty care.
Strong acidic water: It has a pH of 2.7 and is used as a disinfectant to sanitise utensils, counters and prevent cross-contamination.
Name: Pradeep Bajaj
Contact: +91 98251 11194