

Language, in simple terms, is something that ensures that you understand what I say and vice-versa. English, out of all the languages, is considered an international common tongue. It has become a part and parcel of almost every existing sector ranging from academia to business to entertainment. Being able to speak English helps open up employment opportunities, make real connections with people and learn about diverse cultures.

But what if your worth as a person is determined by your ability to communicate in English? Sounds unfair, right? You can’t gauge one’s knowledge or intelligence by their English speaking skills. It is not acceptable if proficiency in the English language decides your desirability and your upbringing. Being able to speak English is often considered an intangible status symbol in society. This often occurs when people exclusively use English in social settings, as if it were a sign of being refined or polished.

We must recognize that the purpose of language should be to facilitate communication, rather than stratify a society. Knowing English does not give us a right to ridicule those who don’t. Language should not become the mode of humiliation in any case. To bring home the point, you are not incapable, unfit, or under-qualified just because you don’t speak English.

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