

Language, in simple terms, is something that ensures that you understand what I say and vice-versa. English, out of all the languages, is considered an international common tongue. It has become a part and parcel of almost every existing sector ranging from academia to business to entertainment. Being able to speak English helps open up […]

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Education Mindfulness

5 steps to Increase your Self Awareness!!

Do guided Journalising Be honest and Active Take Pauses Meditate Regularly Be open to feedback Self-awareness – Definition and Importance In a simple sense, self-awareness is about being connected to yourself. It’s about being mindful and knowing how you feel. It’s about being aware of why you do what you do and what you need […]

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Education Mindfulness

Find your WHY

How to Find Your Why–Your Ultimate Source Of Motivation When building a home – based business, to know your WHY is one of the most important things you can do to be successful. It’s pretty simple really knowing your Why is a way of finding your purpose for pursuing your goals. The bigger your goal […]

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