Change your mindset with Mr Niraj Viradiya
Life Style Mindfulness Positive Personalities

Change your mindset with Mr Niraj Viradiya

Change your mindset with Mr Niraj Viradiya for personal growth and success.


Sir, I feel like I am stuck in a trap right now and can’t even express what my situation is, but I want to solve my problem, and I believe you are the only one who can help me out with it.


I have a 6.5-year-old daughter whom I’ve loved ever since she was born, and I still love her, but then god graced me with another girl child, and this time, I was sure I would be graced with a male child, and my family would be complete. When I got another girl child, I wasn’t as happy as I would have been if I’d had a male child. I feel like my family is incomplete, and since I didn’t get a boy, I’m not even able to celebrate the fact that I had another girl. Sir, you are also a father to two girls. I’d hoped you could help me eliminate these thoughts that are plaguing me.



Which century are you living in? Why do you need a boy first answer that question.

  1. Do you need a servant to help you out at home?
  2. Do you have a big house or an enormous empire, and you need someone to take over for you?
  3. Do you need a son to carry out your funeral rites for you so that you grace heaven?
  4. You want a son to have a career and then accept lakhs of rupees from him?


And you think daughters can’t complete a house?


If there are selfish gains behind your wish to become parents, then you aren’t raising children. You are doing a business transaction. You are happy with a male child but unhappy with a female child, which means that you think one product is good, whereas the other is bad.


I have just one daughter and my elder brother also only has a daughter. A lot of people don’t know this since they are always with me, so they assume that I have two daughters.


I have one daughter because I wanted only one child, and I’m happy with whatever gender it is because my one child is equal to 1000 children.


I know very well where this problem came from. Your family and your society wish that you should have at least one male child. This notion has been ingrained in you by society. Throw out these age-old preconceptions and form your own opinions. Ask what your wife thinks and feels.


Also, I’ll give you some advice listen carefully and think like a businessman. Suppose your son is a product, so measure his pros and cons before he is born. Measure what advantage there is if a son is born and what disadvantage there is if a daughter is born. This may sound weird but think from this point of view as well because then your mindset will be clear. Set emotion aside and think logically.


Stop listening to people and love your children equally because trust me when I say this, your daughters will love you more than your sons do.

Niraj K Viradiya
(Builder/motivational speaker)

Check out more of Niraj Viradiya at Positive Day Newspaper right here!

Founder of The Building Company

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