Harry Potter 20th Anniversary Return to Hogwarts reviews have sur aced online and most critics aren’t impressed with the special reunion. While the teaser and trailer have already got fans excited, critics who’ve watched the reunion special have divided opinion on it. Wall Street Journal’s John Anderson wrote in his review, “What’s all wrong is the tone of relentless self – congratulation maintained throughout the nearly wo – hour show, the actors ‘stroking of each other’s egos and the inflated sense of importance everyone gives the movies – they were important yes , but it’s tiresome hearing it again and again. “Carol Midgley, in her review for The Times UK, called the reunion special “long, twinkly, nostalgic love – fest, its main stars lining up to share memories of making the films and, naturally, to say how much they love each other ( there’s a lot of that ). “She also mentioned that Harry Potter 20th Anni versary: Return to Hogwarts is ‘missing a key ingredient. Although divided opinions, all Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hog warts reviews had one thing in common: JK Rowling’s absence was evi dent. The author behind the fantasy world is missing in person from the reunion special likely after her comments on transgender issues.
Harry Potter: Return to Hogwarts first reviews say it’ll ‘either thrill or bore’ and warn loyalists of a good cry.
- by positiveday
- January 12, 2022