Jab Yati Met Butter : The power of unspoken bonds
India News

Jab Yati Met Butter : The power of unspoken bonds

I look into the eyes of an animal, I do not see an animal. I see a living being, a friend, a soul.
Yati, a man from Noida found a friend, a lifelong companion in Butter, his dog. Yati is an avid
traveler. He loves camping, and going on long trips. Little did he know, he was going to find his
travel buddy on one such trip to Rajasthan. At Rajasthan, Yati met Butter, a puppy who had just
lost her mother.
Moved by her adorable barks, Yati decided to take her home. They formed an instant
connection, an unbreakable bond that transcended species.
However, Yati noticed that whenever he went on long trips, Butter felt lonely and disheartened.
She wouldn’t eat. Soon, Yati started taking her on trips along with him, and this human-dog duo
hasn’t stopped since. Continuing their journey of learning, exploring and traveling together, this
duo has traveled 15000+ km across India to places unexplored and peaceful. For Yati, it was a
journey of constant learning. He noticed Butter’s energy that was so lively and spirited. He
trained Butter on the rocky terrains of Uttarakhand. When Butter met with a road accident, Yati
learned basic first aid. This helped Yati not only help Butter but other animals as well like injured
cows or dogs on highways. For 2 years, Yati and Butter have gone on trips which have made
their bond only stronger. Many temples have sheltered them and locals have shared their food
and love. The story of this human-dog duo only shows that love doesn’t know any species. A
pure and wholesome bond like this makes us realize that there is so much to learn from our
furry little friends. They only know empathy, loyalty and unconditional love. It takes nothing away
from a human to be kind to animals.

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