The Koala Who Could by Rachel Bright
Book Reviews

The Koala Who Could by Rachel Bright

The Koala Who Could tells a gentle tale of a Koala named Kevin who couldn’t let go of his tree. It was his favourite and most comfortable place. Even when his friends called him down to play, he wouldn’t go.He stuck to what he knew best. So whatever the season, his day was the same.

But TAPPITY TAPPITY TAP, there’s someone on the tree Kevin is clinging to. Would Kevin let go?

The main theme of this story is about overcoming fears and dealing with change. The Koala clinging to a tree is a metaphor for us clinging to a routine and staying in our comfort zone. But adventure begins outside it. And to expand our comfort zone, we have to try new things and explore and when you are willing to do that , you may as well surprise yourself, finding a bolder and stronger version of you.

Sometimes change comes our way, whether we like it or not, but accepting and embracing that change is what this book is all about.

Kevin’s friends are also supportive and encourage Kevin throughout the story to embrace change, willingly offering help.

While learning about embracing change, children will also get to know about various australian animals.

The illustrations in this book are bright and colourful that perfectly complements the story.

Rachel Bright is one of the best – selling authors. Her stories have always encouraged kindness, connection and compassion. Rachel Bright’s “The Lion Inside” collection has sold over 5 million copies, translating to 46 languages.

The theme of the book and the rhyming pattern is what makes this book stand out.

Children will definitely enjoy this book and have something to ponder upon after reading it.

Children often like routine and cling to it. This book will make them confident enough to embrace change and realise that life can be great when you try something new.

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