The Umbrella of Connection
Mindfulness Uncategorized

The Umbrella of Connection

On a rainy afternoon, I found myself walking through the crowded streets, feeling weighed down by thoughts that mirrored the heavy clouds above. Lately, I had been feeling lost—disconnected from my usual happy self.

The steady downpour seemed to reflect my inner turmoil, as if the universe was sharing in my sadness.


As I stood at a busy crosswalk, deep in thought, an elderly woman beside me smiled and said, “Forgot your umbrella, didn’t you?” It was only then I realized how soaked I was. Before I could respond, she extended her huge bright multicoloured umbrella covering both of us.

“Come along,” she said. “Let’s share this for a bit.”


I hesitated but soon found myself walking beside her. We didn’t talk much, but her simple act of kindness and quiet presence filled me with an unexpected warmth. When we reached her destination, she touched my arm gently and said, “No one should walk through the rain alone.”


She disappeared into a nearby grocery store, leaving me standing there with a mix of gratitude and awe. In that moment, I realized something profound—connection, whether through a shared umbrella or a kind smile, was everywhere. This one stranger with a simple up lifted my spirits.


I continued my walk, the rain still falling, but my heart felt lighter. I didn’t need the umbrella anymore. I had found something far more meaningful—a reminder that connection and support are always around us, often when we least expect it. Even in the heaviest storms, we are never truly alone.

Yes, we need to know & believe that we are never alone.

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